Discover Your Birth Month Flower

Before the internet, phone, fax, or any other device we know today, people used flowers to communicate.
During the Victorian era, they were used to send messages; a type of flower could mean love, friendship, jealousy, sympathy, or even grief. Flowers were and still are a secret language.
These days, the use of flowers to send a specific message has decreased. However, the meaning behind a specific type of flower remains the same.
Today, we will be sharing with you your birth month flower and the meaning behind it.
Carnation symbolizes love, captivation, and distinction. Christians believed that carnations grew out of Mary's tears after watching Jesus walk with the cross, and that is why this beautiful flower is associated with motherly love.
This flower can be found in many colors, and each color represents something different: White-purity, red-love, yellow-disappointment, purple-capriciousness, and pink conveys gratefulness.
This flower has many meanings: faith, hope, courage, wisdom, and admiration.
Carnations are often associated with the afterlife due to Greek mythology.
According to the myth, the Greek goddess Iris was said to deliver messages between worlds, so people would plant irises in their loved ones' graves to call her, and she would escort their loved ones to the other world.
The month of the new beginnings, or at least that’s the meaning of Daffodils. Daffodils' bright color represents hope and light, just what every new beginning needs.
This flower is associated with anniversaries and long friendships; its bright color is a symbol of happiness and genuine joy.
This flower is closely associated with mothers and motherhood due to its meaning: purity and innocence. This association can also come from the Celtic myth; which says that when an infant died, God sprinkled daisies to cheer up the grieving parents.
In Norse mythology, this flower is related to the Goddes Freya, the goddess of fertility.
May-Lily of the Valley
Every flower has a story and a meaning behind it and for the Lily of the Valley, Christians believe that they are Eve’s tears as she was expelled from the Garden of Eden.
This flower means humility and purity, and during the Victorian era, this flower was used to communicate a return to happiness.
Fun fact, this flower is the preferred flower of the British royal family and is used in every big event.
The most famous of all. We all know this flower is associated with love and romance, but this flower also means confidentiality and secrecy.
Of course, these meanings change depending on the color of the rose. White roses mean innocence, while a pink rose means gratitude and admiration. Yellow roses mean friendship, and an orange rose symbolizes enthusiasm.
July-Water Lily
This flower is mostly found in water bodies, they can grow in mud and soil; that is why for Buddhists, this flower represents rising above the mundane, and according to Greek mythology, this flower is a symbol of beauty, peace, and balance.
This flower is associated with peace, sleep, and even death. This flower has become the symbol of Remembrance day for the people of the UK due to WWI. Poppy is one of the most common wildflowers and it is said that they were a common sight on the battlefront. Moreover, it was one of the few flowers to regrow in these places after the war was over.
September-Morning Glory
This flower is a beautiful representation of the circle of life. It is said that its ability to sleep every evening, rise every morning, grow during adversity, and thrive each year makes it a beautiful representation of human life. This flower symbolizes longing and affection.
Marigolds are vibrant, energetic, and powerful. They are usually associated with the strength and energy of a person. It’s a flower that conveys positive emotions.
This flower has so many meanings across cultures. In Australia is the perfect mothers day gift, in Asian countries, it means farewell and in New Zealand, it is used to say goodbye to the dead. It’s a flower packed with symbolism, but overall is a flower used to express sympathy.
This flower symbolizes inner reflection, creativity, and inspiration. According to Greek Mythology, the name comes from the story of Narcissus, a beautiful young man who loved his reflection so much he couldn’t stop staring at it in a river, and when he grew tired, he fell and drowned. It is said that Narcissuses are often found near rivers and streams due to this.